Guaranteed Replacement Cost for Commercial Property Owners
Posted: March 27, 2024

If you own a business, you understand the importance of safeguarding your assets. While this kind of protection addresses both liability and the personal safety and health of your staff, it also includes the substantial investment you’ve made in the commercial property that allows your business to flourish.With inflation as a priority concern, business owners who are keen to fully protect their commercial property investments...
Why Should I Consider a Business Umbrella Policy?
Posted: March 22, 2024

As a proud business owner, it’s your job to consider the “what-ifs” for your business. Of course, you don’t want to think about the worst… but no matter how careful or cautious you and your employees are, accidents do happen – and sometimes they can be serious.If you experience a catastrophic accident, things can get costly… and fast. That’s where your ERIE agent and ERIE’s Business...
How to Protect Your Most Valuable Assets: Your Key People
Posted: February 26, 2024

Most business owners have insurance to protect buildings, vehicles and other important assets, but few consider insuring their greatest asset: their people.How would your business manage after the death of, say, your lead salesperson, your sole design engineer or your experienced plant manager? How long would it take to fill that position or get someone else up to speed on their projects? How much damage...
Five Tips for Small Businesses
Posted: February 20, 2024

Small Business Week takes place in the last week in April and is a great time to revisit your business goals you made at the beginning of the year. Use this time to take a look at what’s working and what you can tweak with the help of these five tips. Focus on your goals. It’s ok to re-evaluate your business goals and objectives—it’s even necessary...